Beat Stress in 2019
Stress is the “health epidemic of the 21st Century” according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) as reported by Forbes back in 2015. As I reflect on 2018 and look forward to another year, I can’t help wondering what’s changed? My guess is that nothing has changed, and stress is still the epidemic it was back then. OK, so we may have become more accustomed to hearing about Stress in the media and might even be a little happier about admitting to its effects in our own lives but has anything really changed? Are we better at dealing with the effects of stress? Are our employers more understanding? Are we doing anything about it? Let’s face it, it’s one thing to know that there is so much more information out there about Stress and Wellbeing but it’s quite another thing to actually do anything about it. Stress and Wellbeing are likely to continue to be big news in 2019 and I hope that this coming year will be a year when we will all learn to take Stress seriously; seriously enough to do something about it in our own lives. If you are suffering from the effects of Stress right now and want to make a start in tackling it, give me a call and take the first step to a better year.